Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I sit here clutching useless lists,
keys for doors that don't exist,
I crack my teeth on pearls.
I tear into the history,
show me what it means to me in this world

'Cause I am due for a miracle,
I'm waiting for a sign.
And I'll stare straight into the sun,
and I won't close my eyes
'til I understand or go blind.

I see the parts but not the whole.
I've studied saints and scholars both,
but no perfect plan unfurls.

Do I trust my heart
or just my mind?
Why is truth so hard to find in this world?

'Cause I am due for a miracle,
I'm waiting for a sign.
And I'll stare straight into the sun,
and I won't close my eyes
'til I understand or go blind.

I know that there's a point I've missed,
shrine or stone I haven't kissed,
scar that never graced my wrist,
a mirror that hasn't met my fist,
but I can't help feeling like

I'm due for a miracle,
I'm waiting for a sign.
I'll stare straight into the sun
and I won't close my eyes.

--'Stare At The Sun' Thrice--

Why say it yourself when someone else can sing it for you?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

That awkward moment when you get a text from someone who told you they were deleting your number last time you talked, and they want to know why you never text them. And they have to start the text by clarifying that they are sober.

These are the kind of people I used to associate myself with. Thank God I've moved on with my life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So after being without a computer for a month, I'm back! Well, now. Almost a month after I got another computer...

I don't really know what I'm dong with this blog. I don't feel like I have anything interesting going on or anything important to share which is why I've left this alone for so long. I guess I can continue to post things I find enjoyable: music, poetry, whatever else I've been posting. I didn't start this blog to be internet famous, but I feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes.