Saturday, September 10, 2011


I'm not a huge fan of most chick flicks, but I will admit that this is one of my favorite movies. Why do I love it so much, you ask?

I've actually been thinking about that a lot.

I've come to realize that I identify so much with Baby. It's like my life story is condensed into the three weeks Baby spends at Kellerman's. Mostly anyway.

Baby begins the movie as an awkward, innocent girl with desire to and belief that she can save the world. Oh man, that was me in high school. Then she starts experiencing and doing all these new things, getting out of her shell, sucked into a world she doesn't completely understand yet. (Yep, been there too.) Of course, it leaves her feeling powerless, feeling like a disappointment to her parents. (Check.) And in the end, things are still uncertain, but her hope is restored and she's helped someone along the way. (Well, the uncertainty part still applies. The rest? Like I said, uncertain.)

I guess this is why I'm so upset that they're remaking the movie. I'll be disappointed if it's just another remake relying on big names and sex appeal. Don't get me wrong, Dirty Dancing is supposed to be sexy, I mean it's in the title. But I know how these remake things go. I guess the most I can hope for is that someone else will find a connection with the characters and won't feel so alone. Or that it will generate some new interest in the original.

Oh, and I have to say, even though Baby is probably my favorite character, I LOVE Penny. She goes through a lot, but in the end, she comes out smiling. That is truly one of the best parts of the movie for me.

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