Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Big Move

So I just moved into my first apartment on Monday. This week has definitely been fluctuating between "super stress mode" and "complete relaxation." I'm so glad that I'm able to live on my own (well, kind of, I do have two roommates) because I feel like this is a real step in the right direction.

I've had people tell me not to move out of my parents' house, that I was just trying to grow up too fast. But that's not it at all. Not moving out wasn't really an option for me. My parents didn't kick me out, no, and we're still on fantastic terms, but as soon as I got a job when I was sixteen, my parents started cutting me off, so to speak. So, with a few exceptions, everything I have is my own. I don't owe anyone anything (except for my college debt, but I try not to think about that right now). I own my car, I don't have to borrow any money from my parents for my living expenses, I've even paying my school costs with my own money right now. So, when people say I'm trying to grow up too fast, I tell them that this has been a four year process and that I know I've still got stuff to learn. But getting my own place was actually just the next natural step, no big deal.

Of course, it is kind of a big deal. I mean, for the first time ever, I don't have to answer to my parents about anything. No having to tell them where I'm going or having to be home at 10:30. I admit, that's one of my favorite things about having my own place. I know it's only been a few days, but I can already tell I'm going to settle into this just fine.

So Adrienne and I moved in on Monday. My unpacking was pretty much finished that day. I'm waiting for my friend Alex to come over next week and help me finish putting my bookshelf together so I can unpack all these books I have. (Four. Boxes. Worth.) Ashley just started moving in this morning and it's nice to have someone else to hang around with. I'm hoping that the apartment is a drama-free zone, but I realize that's not always possible with three females living together. I'm just going to do my best to make sure everything's copacetic around here.

Anyway, I'm sure there will be more posts on the subject of living at my own place/having roommates/etc. so I won't bore you with them right now. :)

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